2930 Highway 47
Los Lunas, NM 87031

(You can print these pages to fill out and bring into or send to the Gallery)

Contact: Deb Christensen, Scheduling Representative

1. Submit 3 – 5 pieces for jurying by the Gallery Managers. Indicate retail price of each item.

2. Select a membership category:

Working Member - 3 days per month (You will receive 70% of your sales)
Consignment Member (You will receive 50% of your sales)
Consignment Member – Author/Entertainer (You will receive 75% of your sales)

3. Upon acceptance, you will be asked to complete a Contract and an Inventory form and arrange with the Membership Representative to deliver your work to the gallery. When your Contract and Inventory forms are received, your work will be placed on display in the Gallery by the curators.

4. Working Members will be scheduled to work each month based on membership category. The Gallery is open Sunday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Schedules will be prepared on the 15th of the month prior to the scheduled month.

5. All membership categories, except Authors/Musicians, are required to pay an annual fee of $25.00. Authors/Musicians are required to pay an annual fee of $10.00. New members joining the gallery after July 1, will pay one-half the annual fee.

CONTACT: Gallery Membership Representative: Deb Christensen (505) 480-9658

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